Application for Admission
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Make sure to complete the application in one go. Keep handy the Health report and Physical Report before starting application.
How To Apply
Make sure to have the following information ready before starting the application process:
  • Decide the plan you will use: (Six month, One year, Six month recurring or One year recurring)
  • Full name, address, phone number, email and Social Security Number of Applicant.
  • Full name, address and phone number of 2 emergency contacts.
  • If single and under the age of 21, Full names and address of parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
  • Full name, address of your Pastor or another minster of your church who knows you well and to whom you can give a reference form.
  • Full name, address and phone number of 2 Christian friends (at least 18 years of age) who have known you for at least one year and to whom you can give reference forms.
  • Name, address and phone number of your most recent employer (If applicable)
  • Be prepare to write a short personal history concerning you’re Family, Childhood and Conversion Experience.
  • Names, dates and diplomas or degrees of colleges or universities you have attended. (If applicable)
  • Medical conditions you have and/or medications you are taking.
  • Applicants must submit proof of medical records for current physical administered within the last month in order to be considered for acceptance.
  • WE DO NOT ACCEPT MAIL IN APPLICATIONS. You must apply online.
Enrollment Policies
  • Age: 18 to 35 years of age.
  • Single
  • 6 months to 1 year commitment
  • Holiday: Christmas Vacation - 1 week
  • Dress code strictly enforced.
  • Dating: No dating – Expectation is total focus and spiritual commitment to the Training Program.
  • Round Trip Ticket
  • Medical Insurance : Personal or Group Programs
     Student Physical Examination Clearance Form

    Please download the form, complete and keep ready to upload on 10th page of UTC Application.

For citizens and residents of South Africa only. UTC format to apply to South Africa in English

Para ciudadanos y residentes de México solamente. Formato para aplicar a UTC Mexico en español

Si usted es de nacionalidad mexicana y vive y tiene su domicilio permanente en México, y desea aplicar al UTC en Mexico, presione el siguiente botón. Si usted vive fuera de Mexico y desea asistir utilice la aplicación en inglés.